“she glares with a bull-mad glaze
(Or is it a lioness with her whelps)
When anyone comes or speaks of
helps.” (29)
Three Plays of Euripides: Alcestis, Medea, The
Bacchae by Paul Roche, 1975
The title of the project is a name of mythical heroine: Medea
that is also a main character in tragedy written by Euripides.
The ancient tragedy is telling a story of this passionate, foreign
and mysterious woman -that have been betrayed and used by
Jason- her lover and father of her children and put into a new
social circumstances.
As a character she have all attributes that weren’t desirable for
a female: wise, aware of her rights and possibilities wanted to
decide herself of her fortune she fight for her independency
and needs. She doesn’t fit to patriarchal society of Corinth and
it rules so she become The Other - a barbarian, a witch.
Dangerous, outlaw, adamant and determinate.
In this project the figure of Medea - The Other in contexts of
women- immigrants from Eastern Europe and Balkans
nowadays living in Reykjavik, Iceland, that for this project
created a women immigrant circle. After that I decided to record video’s that are a conclusion of ours meetings. Girls taking part
in the video learned a part of Medea talking about Motherland
and Sea as during the meetings those two elements became a
strong element of discussion and workshops.
for two moths they were working with their bodies and text of ancient play Medea. I ask them a questions such as what is home? where you belong? why you are here? Or if they are or they aren't Medea.
MEDEA is video installation portraying 4 girls living in Iceland coming from different East and Central Europe countries.
director of the photos and montage : Martyna Flux Daniel
sound: Maria Carmela Raso
choreography: Patrycja Bączek & Wiola Ujazdowska
Work was sponsored by Reykjavik City Cultural Founds.