Bestiarium is a drawing video and sound installations that presents a unidentified objects/creatures. . The creatures are based on observation of a human bones, muscles, organs presented in medical schools during anatomy classes but yet surreal because of artist’s transformation to the imaginary creatura’s. Creatura is not dead but not alive. It isn’t natural but yet something really close to the nature. It is a quote of something that existed but

transform into other that could be real. And that is the most frightening. Bestiarium is a imaginary manual of abjects - something that exist on the border. Something so in between as the human rests.
The idea of abject links to Julia Kristieva and her Pouvoirs de l'horreur. Essai sur l’abjection where she introduce readers to a concept of “abject’ - which refers to an object that “is radically excluded and draws toward the place where meaning collapses”[...]”Abjection preserves what existed in the archaism of pre- objectal relationship, in the immemorial violence with which a body becomes separated from another body in order to be”.

Abjected are then those edges or borders in our body that both are fascinating and disgusting. Body liquids as semen, saliva, sweat, vaginal mucus or borders of our life- birth and death cause abjection but in from the other side those crital substance/ objects/point reference to what is primary in us, an attempt to find authenticity in a world of multiplication, fiction and simulation.

Abject implicate eruption of Real in our lives which Kristieva associate such a reaction of our rejection of death's insistent materiality. According to that the most abjected is corpse.
but is it possible to go deeper?
Let’s look into the corpse. like an Anatomist. Dismember the corpse.

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